
User rating:
0 Yays 2 Nays

Keeping Your Elements’ Kids in Line with Offspring

Alex Bischoff introduces Offspring, a JavaScript library that brings the power of advanced CSS selectors to browsers that can't quite handle the real thing.
User rating:
13 Yays 9 Nays

MooFlow 1.2

A sleek image slideshow mimicking Apple's famed Cover Flow interface. Uses MooTools.
User rating:
2 Yays 5 Nays

Free Mac OS X Icons

A collection of themed icons for Mac OSX or your web site, including Valentines Days icons.
User rating:
9 Yays 2 Nays

Pure Css Data Chart

Simple data chart with nothing but CSS.
User rating:
21 Yays 9 Nays

Nuvio CSS templates

An original collection of free CSS page templates. Original link back required.
User rating:
7 Yays 7 Nays

Rabid PHP Ratings script

RabidRatings is a simple but eye-caching ratings system which allows users to your website to rate virtually anything. Integrates easily with existing PHP/ mySQL pages.
User rating:
6 Yays 2 Nays

JavaScript Form Validation library

Validate user input for an (X)HTML form without embedding a single line of JavaScript with this unobtrusive library.
User rating:
1 Yays 4 Nays

Ebook- Eloquent JavaScript

A free e-book on JavaScript targeting new comers.
User rating:
2 Yays 3 Nays

What Makes a Professional Web Developer?

Encouraging thoughts about web dev education.
User rating:
9 Yays 9 Nays

47+ Excellent Ajax CSS Forms

A great bunch of creative, outstanding and Ajax infused forms designed from scratch.

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